About 13 Things

Our Summer 2014 version of 13 Things begins the week of May 19. Let the THINGS begin!


Frequently Asked Questions

I'm going to be gone for a few weeks this summer, can I still participate?
Yes! New posts will be up every Monday. If you're unable to watch the video/read the text on any particular week, just watch two the next week! You may start at any time, jump in when you can. That being said, please don't wait until August 1 to start watching and commenting. One of the benefits of having a new topic each week is creating a group discussion through our comments. Group discussion won't happen without a group!

Is there a minimum word requirement for my reaction comments? 
Now you sound like some of our students! No, of course not. Some of the videos will appeal to you more than others. Be honest...if something inspire you or give you something to talk about, just say so in your comments. It's likely others will agree with you. There's no need to post a dissertation, just some ideas or thoughts on a particular topic. I'll post a few questions to get you started; you may answer the questions or simply post your own reaction.

What are the official dates?
We'll start the week of May 26 and end thirteen weeks later the week of August 11.

What will I do with the iPad if I win it?
You'll add apps you learned about during 13 Things and share your successes with the rest of us, of course!

My question hasn't been answered here!
Just send me an email: lstrosch@coe.edu

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