Seth Godin says "Be Remarkable" - in an time when our choices are many and our time is limited, it's no longer enough to 'be good'.
Seth Godin is an entrepreneur and blogger who thinks about the marketing of ideas in the digital age.
Running time:17:05
Points to ponder:
- How do ideas spread? What's the best idea you've heard of that's gone nowhere?
- Godin says 'success isn't always about what the patent, or the factory, is like' but it has more to do with getting the idea out. Is it really all just up to the people in marketing?
- Is the reverse true? Can you think of poor products or ideas that had great marketing campaigns?
- How do you spread your good ideas to your students? To your colleagues? Do you have some of your own 'purple cow' thoughts?
- What is most remarkable to you about this message?