About 13 Things

Our Summer 2014 version of 13 Things begins the week of May 19. Let the THINGS begin!

Tuesday, December 7, 2010

The 4th Day of Christmas...your online playlist.

Creative Commons Attribution
The holidays require a bit of music, right? So, on the 4th day we'll have fun with music.

Grooveshark is an online playlist generator. You can create a 'playlist' (a list of songs you want to listen to) and then click 'play' and enjoy some great background music. If you're a Pandora fan, this is similar, but no ads, and no sign up required.

Start by typing in the name of an artist or a song or genre. Click the + sign to the left of the song you want to add to your play list. If you prefer, click "Playlist" (in the upper right hand side to the left of the search box) and you'll find playlists already created based on your search criteria. Continue to add songs to your list until you've got enough for an enjoyable listening experience!

For anyone participating born after 1980, the image on this post is a record on a record player.


  1. I HAVE records but no record player anymore...I use Pandora some & will have to give this a try as well

  2. Now this is a keeper! I'll be spending the afternoon with Gaslight Anthem. Thanks!

  3. Grooveshark...another fun new tool I can use! I love being introduced to all these topics! And for Lisa...I have all kinds of those RECORDS!

  4. Thanks, Lisa. I can't wait to check it out. I love the record player comment, too.

  5. Thanks Lisa. We typically use Pandora to play in the background as students are coming in for a meeting, but it takes time to log in. We will look into grooveshark.

  6. Last spring, one week after I donated all my old 'albums' to GoodWill, my stepdaughter announced she wanted to go retro and asked if I still had all my records. Argh!
    Okay, you've got my attention; I registered for an account. Even though I am an occasional Pandora user, I'll have to come back and figure out GrooveShark when I have more time.

  7. I'm used to using Pandora, but love the no ad feature (or required account) on GrooveShark. These sites are so fun! Keep them coming!!!!

  8. I listen to Pandora also, but will definately be looking at Grooveshark. I hate when my Pandora stops playing and asks me if I'm still there!

  9. I am a Pandora user, but I will have to look into Grooveshark as well.

    I was born after 1980 and we had a record player in my living room when I was growing up. Though, the tape deck beneath it got more use.

  10. I was introduced to Grooveshark by a friend who couldn't use Pandora. It seemed like a good website, but I'm just so attached to my Pandora! Once something is set it's hard to switch! (at least for me) definitely a good alternative though!

  11. Hey - I still listen to my vinyl. My most important question is - what is a good source for a new stylus?

  12. I currently have a playlist on lastfm, which is similar to Grooveshark. It's odd that I'm able to create my playlist using these websites, but I still haven't figured out how to use an ipod!

  13. I agree with Kristy, I use Pandora on my iPod touch, but appreciate the no ad feature or required account on GrooveShark. I shall definitely try it out.
